Korekore-Nights-of-the-maramataka-ahead Tuhi Stationery Ltd

Ngā Mata o Korekore 

"He moumou kaha noa ki te haere ki ngā moana, ki ngā awa, ki te rumaki hoki. 
E kore rawa e kitea te ngahurutanga o ēnei whakanana.   

It is wasteful of energy, time and effort to go to the seas,to the rivers and to plant.  Any undertaking during Korekore will bear no fruit." 

Bill Tawhai (Living by the Moon 2013)   

The next 3 nights in the maramataka, (Te Whānau ā Apanui) are the Korekore nights - Korekore Tuatahi, Korekore Rawea, Korekore Whakapiri, and as Bill Tawhai notes in his book, it is a time when many activities may not bear fruit. You may feel a little low in energy and notice that things take a little extra effort.  As with all phases of the maramataka, when some activities may not be fruitful, others can be. 

During these days you may want to think of/ take action with; 

  • Resting -  Following these days is a period of high productivity and you will want to be well rested and rejuvenated to make the most of them.
  • Be creative - Wananga, write, draw, compose, sing, reflect, review, and regenerate 
  • Connect with whanau - These days may sometimes be difficult, so its a good time to connect with your whanau and those who may be in need of a little awhi in their life.
  • Intermittent fasting, or eating of fermented kai - A good time to take care of your tinana, go a little easier and lighter on the fuel into your body.
  • Sharpen your tools - Whatever they may be in the mahi you do.  Its a time for checking the nets, sharpening your tools, checking your computer, doing your filing, whatever "your tools" are that supports you and your whanau - nows the time to check they are working well so that you maximise the productive days coming. 
  • Be patient with others - You may note the energy levels a little lower, and if you had planned a working bee or sports activity during this time, you may find a little extra energy was required to get people moving!.  Be patient, our bodies, like the environment, need times of rest, as much as we need times of activity.  We have just passed a high energy phase, and a new one approaches soon, so be patient with your loved ones now and take the time to rest and reconnect in a more gentler way.......not a working bee :)

Something you may like to do over the next 3 days and nights.

Record in a journal or notebook (like these) how you are feeling, in the morning and in the evening. Observer whether your energy changes during the day/ night? Take a moment to observe a few more things in your day, what do you notice? 

And lastly, will you slow down a little over the next 3 days and nights, now that you know this?

Its not always possible in our busy modern lives, if your mahi/ whanau/ life does not allow you to slow down this time - then at least in yourself, don't be critical and harsh on yourself if you don't hit those targets or goals right now, don't fret, a very high productivity energy phase is coming. 

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Ataahua e hoa

Deirdre Carroll

Deirdre Carroll

Great reading this explains why my motivation is on slow great to be in tune to our tinana

Alex Le Long

Alex Le Long

Ngā mihi Michelle!

Looking forward to more blog posts too e hoa! Loving the new awareness I’m building of maramataka and noticing my environment in relation to the changing phases too.

Mihi atu ki a koutou!

Chris Maxwell

Chris Maxwell

Kia ora koutou i enjoyed the article would like to subscribe to your blog Nga tino mihi Good luck with this new venture

Poto Stephens-Dunn

Poto Stephens-Dunn

Very interesting read..will be taking note..

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